Belajar Excel Macro
Step by Step

MS EXCEL MACROS OR VBA (Visual Basic Application)
Tips for Beginners, send Email or YM! for inquiry and help

My First Macro

Cara membuat macro pertama

1. Copy and paste the following statements to Visual Basic Editor:
Copy dan paste pernyataan berikut ke Visual Basic Editor:

Option Explicit
Sub TEST()
MsgBox "My First Macro"
End Sub

copy paste

2. Klik "Run" lalu klik "Run Sub/UserForm" atau 'F5"


3. Muncul Tampilan "My first Macro"

my first

Download My First Macro and Discussion in English and Bahasa Indonesia

Video My First Macro


Belajar Excel Macro
Step by Step

1. Intro
2. Development Menu
3. My First Macro
4. Dashboard
5. Blast Email
6. Dashboard Procurement
7. Folder Sync
8. Menu Masakan



1. My First Macro
2. Converting Text File to Excel
3. Converting Date to Text
Total Amount Based On Cost Code Group
5. Exracting Last Name without space
6. Combining Several Sheets


1. My First Macro
Converting Text File to Excel
3. Converting Date to Text
4. Total Amount Based On Cost Code Group

5. Exracting Last Name without space
6. Combining Several Sheets














































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